Copper Hill Residence

Pioneer Valley Interiors remodeled bathrooms, garage and did other home repairs for the client at the Copper Hill Residence.

Inside the house PVI remodeled existing bathrooms, put down new floors, patched and painted walls. Bathroom remodel included a custom shower in the master bathroom, new heated floor tiles, and new wall tile. Pioneer Valley Interiors also installed heated kitchen floor tile, new carpet in the basement and new hardwood floors on the second floor. Stairs leading to the second floor were refinished to match the new second floor hardwood. Existing wall paneling, walls and ceilings were patched and repainted.

PVI completely remodeled the garage. The garage attic was re-framed, new drywall installed, walls were taped and painted to create a large finished room. On the main garage floor PVI installed and taped drywall, painted walls and put down epoxy floors.

Suffield, CT

Owners of Residence

Residential Remodel